Windows 10: Change the computer name(s)

networkingwindowswindows 10

When installing Windows 10, I get a default computer name of the form DESKTOP-N1M453R.
Until recently, this has been fine, since I only had one computer with a name like this, so it was easy to identify at a glance.

Now, I have 3 Windows 10 machines on my network, all with names similar to DESKTOP-N1M453R. I'm bad at memorizing those strings, so I'd like to rename them.

I right click on "This PC", then click "Properties". I click "Change settings" in the "Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings" area. I click "Change" next to "To rename this computer…" I enter a new name and click "OK".

I get an error message "A general network error occurred."

enter image description here

Googling for this situation didn't lead to anything promising. Any ideas why I'm getting this error message and how I can workaround it?

Best Answer

Answer provided by Steven Murawski via twitter:

Use Rename-Computer at a PowerShell prompt (probably need Admin elevation to do it).

enter image description here