Why isn’t a shared Dropbox folder deleted in other people’s Dropbox when I delete it


In Dropbox I created a folder and shared it with my wife. I placed items in there and soon she had them in the shared folder on her computer. I then deleted the folder inside my dropbox folder, but she still has it, still full of all that was in it. It also still exists in her account on the dropbox.com website.

Shouldn't my deleting that folder make it disappear from her Dropbox folder? Or am I missing something basic?

Best Answer

When you delete a folder, than only the files from your account will be deleted. But the other ones who have loaded the shared-folder will keep their files. As long as day won't delete it by theirselfs.

To delete it from any folder, you have to unshare it. Otherwise they will keep their files. enter image description here

So your wife has to unfollow the folder or has to delete the files by hand.

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