Why is bittorrent slow from the home computer


For non-bittorrent files I can usually get 1MB/s down on my home network, and 10MB down on a professionally hosted computer.

When I download a file using bittorrent I often get maxed out on the hosted machine, but only get 90kb/s on my home computer.

I don't believe my upload speed has anything to do with it as the files have many seeders. My upload speed on the hosted computer is negligable.

I can get other files (http/ftp) at 1MB/s at home. Just not bit-torrent. Apart from ISP throttling, which I'm told is not in effect, what would be causing this?

At the moment the fastest way for me to download a file is to get it on the hosted computer and then download it to my home computer over http – which just doesn't strike me as the best thing to do.

Edit: Using uTorrent. b=bit/ B=byte.
Would my consumer router be the cause? Limiting number of connections perhaps?

Best Answer

The most common cause of this problem is having your BitTorrent software set up to have too many maximum connections. Most BT software (even the most recommended ones) have default settings that will make most home routers cry.

In your BitTorrent client, find the area where you can set the maximums and set it WAY lower. Start with something like 50, let it run for a few hours, and then maybe try increasing it.

The cause of this is the plain and simple fact that home routers are by and large not designed to handle so many concurrent connections. It just isn't normal outside the world of BitTorrent. This would completely explain why you are seeing different performance from a machine being hosted at a professional hosting company, which probably uses business-class routers.

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