Why does one person downloading kill the internet for the rest of the house


We have 25 megs on the downstream and 2 megs on the upstream. When doing a speed test without anyone downloading (from Usenet, for example), we get the full download and upload.

However, if one person is downloading at max speed (let's say, 3 megs per second), it brings down the internet for the rest of the house, even though we have 25 megs on the download and only 3 are being utilized.

Why is this? Why does throttling it slightly fix this problem?


Best Answer

It's the sneaky difference between megabits and megabytes that's killing you. Internet connections are typically rated in megaBITS (Mb), whereas downloads are measured in megaBYTES (MB). To convert between the two, divide by 8:

25Mb downstream / 8 megabits per megabyte = ~3 MB per second
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