Why do funky characters show up in these Microsoft Word equations

equation editorequationsmicrosoft-office-2007

A colleague sent me a document created with Microsoft Office 2007 that contains equations. On her end, the document looks fine; however, on my end, the equations show up with these funky characters overlaid on them:

alt text

Why do these weird characters show up, and how do I fix it? The equations appear like this in both .doc and .docx documents.

Additionally, when I double-click on the equations to edit them, I get a warning that the equations were created with a newer version of the equation editor, and when I close the editing window, the equations are gone completely. I think this might indicate a compatibility problem, but I am not sure of a solution.

Best Answer

Well, you sort of answered your own question, unfortunately. The newer Equation editor is not 100% compatible; some characters will turn out different in older versions of Equation editor. I think there is a way to save the formulas in Word 2007 using the compatible version, although I can't remember if it's possible.

You can read more about it in this article. Here's a short summary:

An equation created using the new Word 2007 equation editor will appear as an image that cannot be edited when you subsequently open the document in Word 2003. This is the case whether you saved the document in .docx (Word 2007) or in .doc (Word 2003) format.

However, it also shows how to create an equation in Word 2007 that can be read and edited in Wrod 2003.