Why can’t I install this Notepad++ plugin on the older computer


I'm trying to install the nppColdFusion plugin that enables ColdFusion syntax highlighting in Notepad++.

It installed easily on my home computer (Windows Vista, using Notepad++ version 5.8.6). However, when I tried to install it on my work computer (Windows XP, using Notepad++ version I get errors.

Running the installer provided (Install-nppCF.zip) failed, and when I tried to install all the files manually, it seemed to work but as soon as I clicked the "ColdFusion" language option in Notepad++ or opened a file with a ColdFusion extension, it crashed Notepad++. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Author of nppColdFusion here.

Generally this has been down to putting the database and config file in the Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\config folder rather than the %appdata%\Notepad++\plugins\config

Alternatively Plugin Manager 1.0.5 supports doing the full install. (I haven't tried it though).

Interesting that the Install-nppCF script did not work, I have tested it on XP, however as it's your work PC, maybe there's some restrictions stopping it.
