Windows – Who should own the root folder of a drive

ntfsownershippermissionswindowswindows 7

All partitions are NTFS. The system is Windows 7 Pro. It does not belong to a domain. I do use shared folders occasionally (both via the Homegroup and old school sharing). Should I set the owner to be Administrators or SYSTEM for a

A) fixed drive partitions? (C: and D:)

B) removable drive partitions? (U: and V:)

C) Is it ok to make every object on the drive inherit the new ownership?

I just realized that I had some messy settings because I turned UAC on for the first time in years and I am now getting some undesirable prompts. I already have permissions set properly and I am only concerned with ownership.

Best Answer

As long as permissions are set in such a way that works well for you, it's best to leave ownership alone. By default, the drive Windows is installed on (typically C:) will be owned by TrustedInstaller, as will many of the system folders and files below it. You can't even change the ownership without going through a lot of steps.

If you're adding an external drive, just format it and let Windows worry about setting the ownership. You can configure ownership yourself for subfolders as needed.

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