White lines appear right in the middle of the Dell XPS M1210 screen


My Dell XPSM1210 has developed these weird lines right in the middle of the screen. When I connect an external monitor the lines disappear and the display is fine.

Is this a problem with the screen panel, and if it needs replacement is there a place where I could buy one?

This laptop is not under warranty so I'm willing to get the screen replaced.

Dell XPS M1210 white lines in the middle of the screen

Best Answer

It can be one of 4 things, of the top of my head.

  1. The ribbon cable connecting to your laptop screen. Solution: Fixable by going to one of those computer repair shops that also deal in laptops. Of course, you can also go to a Dell representative in your general area. But may be a bit more expensive

  2. The screen itself. Solution: Probably needs to be replaced. Quite annoyingly so because it's always more expensive. Computer repair shops or Dell.

  3. More rarely, the inverter board. I find it odd the lines are white. So why I thought of this one. Solution: Needs to be replaced. Cheaper than the above two.

  4. Bad soldering or dislodged cable. Solution: The cheapest, eh. No replacement parts. Just putting things back in place.

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