Linux – Where Linux places the messages of boot


I want to find place to where Linux writes all boot messages. You know:

facility one    [STARTED]
facility two    [STARTED]
facility three  [FAILED]

I searched with

find . -print0 | xargs -0 grep -i "words from boot messages"

in /var/log/, but found nothing.

I have CentOS 5.5.
For example at boot time I had: "Determining IP information for eth0… failed; no link present. Check cable?"
I don't care about error specificaly, but I can't find any log that holds this error.

dmesg | grep "no link present" returns nothing too.

Best Answer

Most of the boot messages are put in a buffer, that you can access using the command dmesg. On most Linux distributions, that output is also stored in


That you can view with

tail -n 100 /var/log/dmesg.log
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