Linux – Where does a program install on linux


I want to know the procedure of installation and uninstallation on Linux?

Are there any log file that logs these procedure?

For example, I am installing Netbeans IDE on Linux. I want to know where are the files of this IDE? I want to know where the folder is that contain programs that installed on Linux.

For example, if you install Netbeans IDE, then you can see somethink like below on a file :

programName date time usr

netbeans-7ml 06/08/2011 8:3:00 root

Best Answer

Depends on the Linux flavor (distro) that you are running but typically programs get installed on /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin

You can cd to the /usr/bin directory and then do ls -la | more and you'll see all the "executable" files there.

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