What’s the difference between JDK 8u91 and 8u92


The Oracle website seems to be recommending version 8u91 when you click on "Java for your computer". But when you click "Java for Developers", it gives two options: 8u91 and 8u92. What's the difference? Generally I would assume the highest version number is best, but in this case, I'm not sure.

Best Answer

The Oracle website is clear: use 8u91 (the 'CPU' release) under all circumstances except where you specifically require fixes present in the 'PSU' release (8u92, in this case). The difference between CPU and PSU releases is explained via a link on the release page.

For future reference, the exact quote from the Oracle release blog is:

JDK 8u91 and 8u92, two new Java 8 updates are now available. Oracle strongly recommends that most Java SE users upgrade to the latest Java 8u91 CPU release, which includes important security fixes. Java SE 8u92 is a patch-set update, including all of Java 8u91 plus additional features. You can download the latest JDK releases from Java SE Downloads page...

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