Excel – what would be the custom format code to display percents as if it were multiple by 1000

microsoft excel

or how can this be solved by having the input and output on the same row. custom format code solved this for numbers — Modify value of a cell using the old value as part of the new one?

"…you can use commas after the number format to display the number divided by multiples of 1000. For example, #,##0.000, displays a value divided by one thousand and #,##0.000000,, displays the number divided by one million."

but it doesnt seem to work for percents.

the input are percents, like 20%, which would be .20, the output is those percents in decimal form being multiple by 1000

couldnt find anything on http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/create-a-custom-number-format-HP010342372.aspx

Best Answer

To achieve this, just select custom format as Percentage


On custom format, use this 0.00%

A       B
20%     0.02%

Here B column's:

  1. formula is =A1/1000 and
  2. custom format is 0.00%

the 200 or the result it was suppose to be did not come up with this custom format

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