Toshiba Satellite 310CDS – Required RAM Specifications


I was thinking of upgrading my legacy notebook with some RAM.

This is a Toshiba Satellite 310CDS, and I'd like to put the maximum possible RAM module into it, to max-out the ram in that machine.

I do this only for hobbyist purposes, as this laptop is almost twelve years old, I don't do reasonable work on it any more. But since it's otherwise in perfect working order, I was thinking of maxing out the RAM, to run NetBSD more easily on it (surely not faster, though, since this laptop has only a 199MHz CPU)

OK, here comes the question:

What RAM module do I need (part number, etc) to max-out the RAM in that laptop?

I bought an SODIMM module one, and it fitted into the slot, but it wasn't recognized by the hardware.

Best Answer

You might not find it overly easy to find RAM cheaply that is compatible with a laptop as old as that. IIRC those machines take EDO SODIMMS and have 32Mb built-in and you have one slot that you can add up to 128Mb in taking it up to 160Mb. If you can find compatible RAM at a reasonable price such a machine should boot lubuntu or puppy linux well enough and run fine for simple tasks (I'd not want to browse modern web sites in a modern browser on something like that, or try run OO.o on it, but for email, text/code editing, or just as a dumb terminal via VNC or similar the machine could be useful.

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