What router settings are required for Windows 7 Remote Assistance


I want to connect to someone's PC using Remote Assistance in Microsoft Messenger. Both PCs run Windows 7. The remote user is the one initiating the request. We're both behind firewalls/routers which use NAT. My PC is set to be on a Public network, but I don't know that type of network the remote PC is on (Public, Home, or Private). I get this error after entering in the password:

Remote Assistance can't make the connection

Hitting "Troubleshoot" didn't help — Windows couldn't find anything wrong.

I tried enabling UPnP on my router, but that didn't help. The remote router probably has UPnP enabled.

  1. Does Remote Assistance work over NAT?
  2. Does Remote Assistance work through firewalls?

Best Answer

  1. No, unless you configure port forwarding
  2. Yes, but you have to open TCP 3389 port


Hope to have been of help ;-)

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