What does this strange symbol “:>” in bash mean


I found something in a script, but not belonging to the main script. There was :> in a line.

Could you explain to me what it means?

:> file
while read A B C D E; do echo "$A;$B;$D;$E;$C" >> file; done < otherfile

Best Answer

There was :> in a line of a bash script. What does it mean?

:> file

It is a short cut way of saying:

  • If file does not exist then create it else truncate it to 0 bytes.

This means you can be sure that file exists and it is empty.

You can also use > file but :> file is more portable.

See the Stack Overflow question What Is the Purpose of the ':' (colon) GNU Bash Builtin? for more information.

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