MacOS – What does this notification badge in macOS Catalina System Preferences mean

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I just upgraded to macOS 10.15 Catalina, and now I have this (1) badge on my System Preferences dock icon.

macOS Catalina dock with badge on System Preferences dock

Here's my System Preferences:

macOS Catalina System Preferences

I don't see any badges on the preference pane icons, but I did click through to each of them and didn't see any obvious action items. I was signed in with my Apple ID previously, and signing out did not make the badge go away.

Best Answer

I just upgraded to Catalina and ran into this problem. To fix it, it went into System Preferences > AppleID (Top right hand corner) > the left panel, click on Overview > There, it should say you need to link your AppleID once you've done that, it will ask you to enable two factor authentication. Once I did that, the red badge for system preferences went away.

Hope this helps

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