What does this diagnostic output mean


I recently had a fault with my broadband connection. It turned out to be a fault with the ISP's or teleco's equipment. My ISP posted this diagnostic, but while I understand it in general, I'd like to to know more about the details.

I'm assuming that ATM means Asynchronous Transfer Mode and PPP means Point to Point Protocol. It was this that my router was indicating as the fault.

xDSL Status Test Summary
Sync Status: Circuit In Sync

General Information
NTE Status: NTE Power Status: Unknown Bypass Status:

Upstream DSL Link Information Downstream DSL Link Information
Loop Loss: 9.0 17.0
SNR Margin: 25 15
Errored Seconds: 0 0
HEC Errors: 0
Cell Count: 0 0
Speed: 448 8128
TAM Status: Successfully executed operation

Network Test: Sub-Test Results
Layer Name Value Status
Modem pass
Transmitter Power (Upstream) 12.4 dBm
Transmitter Power (Downstream) 8.8 dBm
Upstream psd -38 dBm/Hz
Downstream psd -51 dBm/Hz
DSL pass
Equipment Vendor Name TSTC
Equipment Vendor Id n/a
Equipment Vendor Revision n/a
Training Time 8 s
Num Syncs 1
Upstream bit rate 448 kbps
Downstream bit rate 8128 kbps
Upstream maximum bit rate 1108 kbps
Downstream maximum bit rate 11744 kbps
Upstream Attenuation 3.5 dB
Downstream Attenuation 0.0 dB
Upstream Noise Margin 20.0 dB
Downstream Noise Margin 19.0 dB
Local CRC Errors 0
Remote CRC Errors 0
Up Data Path interleaved
Down Data Path interleaved
Standard Used G_DMT
INP Upstream Symbols n/a
INP Upstream Delay 4 ms
INP Upstream Depth 4
INP Downstream Symbols n/a
INP Downstream Delay 5 ms
INP Downstream Depth 32
ATM Reason: No ATM cells received fail
Number of cells transmitted 30
Number of cells received 0
number of Near end HEC errors 0
number of Far end HEC errors n/a
PPP Reason: No response from peer fail
PAP authentication nottested
CHAP authentication nottested


I've just had a status update from my ISP:

The issue was with equipment and software at your local exchange which your services goes through

So no real help there in telling me whether it was a hardware or software problem.

Best Answer

to put dsl broadband to the most basic level, the telephone cable comes out at the exchange and goes in to splitter equipment, half goes to the telco/phone side, other goes to the ISP.

ATM is basically a physical transfer layer, it is level 1 on the OSI model, and used as the physical link.

PtPP gets performed at the link layer, it needs a physical connection (in your case, ATM) and is basically responsible for linking your device (in this case, a router) to the endpoint within your ISP.

So, from that log, ATM tried to transmit 30 frames/cells, but none were received back - a dead connection, or no one on the other end. Because of this, no PtPP can be established.

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