What does a 1 x 6-Pin, 1 x 6+2-Pin look like

graphics cardpower supply

I have this power supply http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371016

And under the details it says

PCI-Express Connector 1 x 6-Pin, 1 x 6+2-Pin

However in the images of this psu it shows this enter image description here

I'm confused because my new graphics card requires two 6 pin pci connectors (I haven't installed my new graphics card yet.)

All i see in my psu is the 6pin pci connector with the additional 2 pins that I currently don't use on my old graphics card. Does the nomenclature "1 x 6-Pin, 1 x 6+2-Pin" mean a total of 8 pins (1 x 6 pin, 1 x 2 pin) or does it mean a total of 14 pins?

IE the page on newegg claims to have two 6 pin pci connectors but I only see one (or maybe I read the nomenclature incorrectly)

Best Answer

It means it has a 6 pin, and a 6+2 pin PCI connector, which makes 14 pins in total for PCI. This means you can plug it into graphics cards that needs one 6 pin, two 6 pins, one 8 pin, or one 6 pin plus one 8 pin. Here's the proof

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