What does 9.2R mean in the context of RAM memories


I see engraved in memory slots values such as 1.5V and 9.2R. I understand that 1.5V refers to voltage, but what does 9.2R refer to?

Photo of a memory slot displaying those values

Best Answer

Given that it is a double riser slot it is most likely that the 9.2 is denoting the height at which the memory stick is held above the motherboard and the R is denoting that the connector is a "right angle" connector rather than the vertical you would see in desktop PCs (thanks to kicken for clarifying and for a datasheet). This is especially likely given the lower slot states "5.2R"

Giving this height might allow a manufacturer to fit low profile components to the motherboard in the area under the memory stick. (Such as the 5.2mm high memory stick slot)

Having those designations in the plastic allows manufacturers to quickly determine that they have the correct part, it is not really relevant to you as a user.

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