What Colors Are Available for Custom Number Format in Excel?

cell formatmicrosoft excel

NOTE. Not to be confused with Conditional Formatting

When using the Custom Numbers in Excel I often use RED font for a negative number.

See image below.

enter image description here

What other Colours can be used in this way ?

I know Green & Blue work, but is there a full list available ?

Best Answer

In addition to the 8 named colors you can also use [ColorX], where X is a number between 1 and 56. The named colors are identical to [Color1] to [Color8].

A quick way to see all the colors provided is to run the following in the immediate window in VBA (preferably in an empty workbook):

for x = 1 to 56:cells(x,1) = "AAAA":cells(x,1).numberformat = "[COLOR"&x &"]@":Next x
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