WebDAV share can be mounted only after another share was mounted

nextcloudwebdavwindows 7

Following up on my earlier post.

I have access to two instances of NextCloud that provide access to the same storage. They have certain differences in configuration.

What I observe is rather puzzling. When I try to mount Instance 1 using

 net use X: \\hostname1@ssl\webdavpath

I get this error:

System error 67 has occurred. Network name cannot be found.

While with Instance 2 the command completes successfully. What is puzzling me is that after Instance 2 was mounted say as drive X:, I can now also successfully mount Instance 1 as drive Y:.

My question would be what could be the reason of such behavior? How can one debug Windows 7 WebDAV client?

Best Answer

The problem was resolved by enabling automatic startup of the WebClient service using the Services management console.

WebDAV client in Windows requires a support service to run.

John Guin has a detailed description of how to enable this service in Windows on his blog.

Services management console with WebClient running

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