Way to increase the recent files limit


Searching for answer I found this old link:

To quote:

Is there a way to increase the recent files limit? My list shows 12
files. I work with large projects with hundreds of files, and the tab
bar rapidly becomes very unwieldy, so I try to only keep open the
files that I'm using for the immediate task. I cycle through dozens of
files in a short period of time, and I usually end up needing a file I
closed more than 12 files ago. Is there some way I can increase the
current limit of 12 to more like 20 or 30?

Looks like repo is moved to GitHub: notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus.

At the moment I can see 15 recent files. I am using:

Notepad++ v6.7.4 Je suis Charlie edition

Included plugins:

  1. DSpellCheck v1.2.12
  2. NppFTP 0.24.1
  3. NppExport v0.2.8
  4. Plugin Manager 1.0.8
  5. Converter 3.0
  6. Mime Tool 1.9

Best Answer

Go to Settings > Preferences > Recent Files History and change Max. number of entries

enter image description here

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