Way in Sublime Text to display find results in a panel at the bottom of the current window


This is a highly useful feature in other editors eg. Eclipse and Notepad++

You get to see the list of find results printed as all the containing lines with their lines in the buffer, which gives you some context, and shows you how the results are grouped by file and line number.

Another absolute killer feature would be "find all in current file".

Eclipse example:
Example Eclipse view of search in current file with results in a panel at the bottom. (c) Avi Silver 2014

Notepad+ Example:
Example Notepad++ view of search in current file with results in a panel at the bottom. (c) Avi Silver 2014

Best Answer

I had the same question as you and solved it with anazimok's comment in the link below.


You could use Find All and then Cmd+F2 to set bookmarks.

The Find Result Panel is for Find In Files. Cmd+Shift+F uncheck "Use Buffer" option and you would see the Find Result Panel.

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