Linux – “watch” the output of a command until a particular string is observed and then exit


I'm looking for a way to programatically watch the output of a command until a particular string is observed and then exit. This is very similar to this question, but instead of tailing a file, I want to 'tail' a command.

Something like:

watch -n1 my_cmd | grep -m 1 "String Im Looking For"

(But this doesn't work for me.)

UPDATE: I need to clarify that 'my_cmd' does not continuously output text but needs to be repeatedly called until the string is found (which is why I thought of the 'watch' command). In this respect, 'my_cmd' is like many other unix commands such as: ps, ls, lsof, last, etc.

Best Answer

Use a loop:

until my_cmd | grep -m 1 "String Im Looking For"; do : ; done

Instead of :, you can use sleep 1 (or 0.2) to ease the CPU.

The loop runs until grep finds the string in the command's output. -m 1 means "one match is enough", i.e. grep stops searching after it finds the first match.

You can also use grep -q which also quits after finding the first match, but without printing the matching line.

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