Linux – How to Watch Netflix Instant Watch


I'm having trouble finding anyone who has successfully been able to watch Netflix Streaming in Linux, which is a bit surprising. I had trouble installing WM11 under Wine because of the Windows Genuine test, though I know people have successfully passed the test using Wine before.

Also, there is the fact that the Netflix stand alone device, the Ruko, is Linux based, which shows it is possible.

Does anyone have any experience getting Netflix Streaming working?


Best Answer

It's not currently possible to run Netflix streaming in Linux either natively or through WINE. (Note that while the Roku box runs on embedded linux, the code for the netflix streaming isn't open)

Although the Windows version is based on Silverlight, the linux port of Silverlight (Moonlight) does not have the DRM stack that is being used (See this comment from the Moonlight lead Miguel De Icaza)

The best solution is probably running Windows in a virtual machine. People have had success getting it working on XP in Virtualbox

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