Windows 7 – How to Remove KB3004394 Without Restore Points

64-bitsystem-restorewindows 7windows-7-restore

This question is related to my earlier question : crypt32.dll is broken for Virtualbox since patch Tuesday 9-Dec-2014? .

I need to restore back to a point before KB3004394 but that point is no longer available to me due, it seems, to my trying to fix the initial problem by installing several other versions of VirtualBox.

The process of doing that seems to have "used up" all the restore points !

enter image description here

I tried to restore back as far as I could in the hope that older restore points would be offered to me but they aren't (see screen dump after my restore).

Is there any way out of this ? I need to get rid of KB3004394 because I need to use Virtualbox.

Best Answer

Install the fix from this KB to resolve the issue:

Install KB3024777 to fix an issue with KB3004394 on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2