WAMP MySQL service does not start


My question is similar to this. But none of the posted solutions worked.
my.ini file is pasted here.
'mysql.log' is pasted here.

The problem seems to be caused for no reason. I don't remember changing anything specifically.
Apache runs fine. I'm on windows 7 x64.

Most interestingly, mysql.exe runs just fine. No password is on. mysqld.exe doesn't run
(running it through console will just cause an infinite delay)

What I've tried

  • Turning off Firewall
  • Checking port 3306 to be open
  • Checking running services for other instances of MySQL
  • Checking for other installed versions of MySQL
  • Changing password in my.ini
  • Running wampserver as administrator
  • Disabling SQL Server services
  • Uncommenting 'skip-networking' option
  • Switching my computer's networking mode to DMZ (just in case if router firewall issue)
  • Googling and trying every other suggested solution
  • Re-installing wampserver
  • Restarting PC

I don't know what to do anymore. Anyone has a solution?

Best Answer

Search for mysql-bin.index file, delete it, then restart MySQL.

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