VPN/Tunneling (SSH or otherwise) on Windows via HTTP proxy



                                      ...            +-- Computers
(to the internet)                     |              |
- [ router / firewall ] -- [ switch ] +- [ switch ] -+-- Computers
                               |                     | 
                           [ proxy HTTP ]            +-- Computers

We allowed:

  • HTTP & HTTPS traffic through proxy to the internet
  • Access between computers in the intranet

We otherwised disallowed all other port/communication.

Is there a way for windows host machines to connect outside to e.g. terminal services server (windows 7 machines) through some VPN/tunneling means short of changing the current firewall ruleset?

Please suggest user-space (i.e. no administrative right required) applications preferably user-friendly ones that allow such access. Thanks

Best Answer

SSL VPN solutions mentioned here are somehow misleading. I would, as last resort, setup OpenVPN deamon on external box (home?) and use OpenVPN client to connect, right click on tray icon of OpenVPN client and pick 'Proxy Settings' where you clearly see "HTTP Proxy" and "Socks Proxy" also auto-detect mode as default.

SSH tunnel over HTTP(S) proxy (Reverse RDP)

This is something I work on atm so anyone reading this can check it out aswell.

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