VPN not changing IP address


A certain internet service I require demands that I connect from a university IP.
Said service indeed works well when connected from several universities.

Now, I would like to access that service at home and to that end, I have registered for a VPN account at my university. Connecting through the VPN account, I indeed get access to university resources such as libraries and university servers (which are not accessible otherwise).

However, when accessing the service I need (which is not affiliated with my university specifically), my access is denied, since the IP appearing to that service is my regular ISP IP. Connecting to http://www.displaymyhostname.com/ confirms that (my regular IP/host is showing).

Is there any way to use the VPN IP for all communication ?
I'm using CheckPoint's SSL Network Extender for the VPN connection (not my choice, that's how their VPN site works). I'm also using my university's proxy, to no avail (same external IP).

Best Answer

The CheckPoint VPN client can be configured to decide which host requests flow across the VPN and what don't (instead, that traffic uses your local gateway to get out to the Internet).

From CheckPoint's manual here:

The administrator defines the list of networks and hosts accessible for the client once connected to the gateway. This list, the encryption domain, or VPN domain, is downloaded to the client after the initial connection and is used by the client to define what network traffic should be tunneled, encrypted to the gateway, and what traffic should not.

They are (probably) doing this to prevent all your non-University traffic from flowing through their Internet connection while you're connected to the VPN.

Since the CheckPoint client gets this list from the CheckPoint VPN server, the person in charge of the server-side would have to add the service's address to the allow list so that it (the VPN client) will redirect requests for that site via the VPN, making it appear that you are connecting from the University.

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