Windows – Vista DPI Scaling: Cannot disable DPI Scaling for Wireshark

dpihigh-dpiwindows 7wireshark

I'm trying to disable dpi scaling for Wireshark, except Windows won't let me:

enter image description here

Yet i pick any other random executable in the folder, uninstall.exe for instance, i can do it fine:

enter image description here

What gives?

i know Microsoft won't let you turn off scaling for their own signed applications:

enter image description here

But that's not the case here.

i also checked the wireshark.exe manifest, in the hopes of finding a clue there, only to discover that Wireshark isn't designed to run on Windows:

enter image description here

Why won't Windows let me disable high dpi scaling on wireshark.exe?

Best Answer

If the software you are using (Wireshark in this case) is 64-bit, then the compatibility boxes will be unavailable.

You can try setting the compatibility flags directly in the registry which are at the following registry location:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers

In that key, create a (string) entry as such:

  • Name: The full path to the application's .exe
  • Type: REG_SZ (String)
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