Visio 2010 – no rotate handles


I'm using Visio 2010. When I select a shape, I see the normal resize handles, but no rotation handles. This seems to be the case for any shape I create. This is not in a locked layer.

I have followed the directions here:

… but when I select the object, I see no rotate handle. ONLY the resize ones.

How to I get my rotation handles back?

Best Answer

Shape Protection can cause something like this behavior with Visio 2013, you should check to see if it is applied to your shape.

First enable the Developer tab on the Ribbon. Right-click anywhere on the Ribbon and click Customize the Ribbon.

enter image description here

The Visio Options dialog will launch and on the right side ensure that Developer is checked and then press OK.

enter image description here

Now Select your shape, go to the Developer tab in the Ribbon, and click Protection.

enter image description here

This will launch the Protection dialog. See if Rotation is checked. It is is uncheck it and press OK.

enter image description here


In my experience, when Rotation is protected:

  • with Visio 2010 - the Rotation handle is visible, but grayed-out, and can't be used
  • with Visio 2013 - the Rotation handle is invisible
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