VirtualBox consuming 100% CPU even when the guest is idle


I've tried all the solutions available on different forums. This is the configuration of my system:

  • Pentium Dual Core T230 (1.73 + 1.73), 2gb RAM
  • Oracle VM VirtualBox ver. 4.3.14 r95030

This is the configuration of my guest:

  • Windows 7 with 1gb of RAM assigned to it and 20gb of hdd

The task manager of my host shows 100% CPU activity even when the guest is idle.

I've also made a DOS machine which is suggested to do nothing and that reduces the CPU activity to about 56% but not as same as it should be when my host and guests are idle.

Another solution available to me was to set the affinity of VirtualBox to a single processor but I'm not able to do that, it denied the access. I'm logged in as administrator and have also checked "Show processes from all users".

Best Answer

I had this issue with 2D Video Acceleration enabled. Once I disabled it in the Virtualbox machine settings, the host high CPU usage was gone.

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