Ubuntu – Virtual VNC Screen/Workspace


I've got one monitor (the family TV) attached to my Ubuntu 8.04 system, and when I need to work on it I usually VPN into it from another PC. However I'd like to be able to VPN in even when it's in use as the media center.

Is there a way to create a second virtual monitor/workspace that I could VNC into? I know I could telnet in, but I want the GUI desktop. The graphics card supports multiple screens – should I configure it for another monitor even though there is no other physical monitor?

Best Answer

If you are using FreeVNC:

If say your computer name is comp-user-01. You can VNC into a different session by using: comp-user-01:1

I believe you can set how many simultaneous users within the VNC server settings.

Edit: You can replace the last 1 with the number of the session you want to log into.

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