Vim: How tonstall Airline


I'm just getting started with Vim. It's a fun experience, but I've found it to be kind of overwhelming. I'm trying to get this plugin installed, vim-airline, but I'm having a lot of trouble. The Installation section on the Github page simply states:

copy all of the files into your ~/.vim directory

Presumably, this means download the .zip, extract it, and copy all of those files into ~/.vim/. I did this, but Vim just starts up like normal, and running :help airline just gives:

Sorry, no help for airline

I assume that this means it isn't getting installed. Also, the statusbar remains the same. I'm new to Vim and would really like to get this working. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I also tried putting the files into /usr/share/vim/vim73/. No dice.

EDIT 2: I ran :helptags ~/.vim/doc and now the help-page displays when I type :help airline, but I'm still not getting the plugin itself (the status bar). Vim looks the same, but it can now display the help page.

Best Answer

Check the project's FAQ.

vim-airline doesn't appear until I create a new split

Add set laststatus=2 to your vimrc.

Inside vim, do :h laststatus to understand why this is needed. If you want to know in the future if a plugin is being "loaded" or not, check :scriptnames.

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