VIM – How to Bold, Italic, Underline and Hypertext Specific Words


I am new in VIM. I am writing some files using VIM. I did enough research but didn't get the answer anywhere! I just wanted to know how can I Bold, Italic and Underline a word in VIM. Also I want to create anchor text external links from my file. But after digging in Google I really didn't find enough info. Can anybody tell me how can I create anchor text links in my VIM files like this one.. Super User.

Best Answer

Vim is a text editor with syntax highlighting; it's not a word processor. That said, you can indeed edit common markup text formats like HTML, Markdown, Textile, Mediawiki, etc., and Vim will highlight marked-up text (according to the formatting capabilities of Vim and the used environment; i.e. GVIM allows more styles and colors than the terminal version).

For that to work, you need

:syntax on

in your ~/.vimrc, and ensure that the right 'filetype' is detected / set (e.g. :edit +setf\ html foo.html).

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