Vim/gvim command line switches


I've just spent 1/2 hour trying to find a list of command line switches for vim. Since vim is a "command line editor" a search on "vim command line …" is not very useful.

I got curious trying to alter the tutor to use my brand new _vimrc file. Finally figured which of these lines in 'vimtutor.bat' to modify:

vim -u NONE -c "so $VIMRUNTIME/tutor/tutor.vim"

Removing the '-u NONE' gets it to do what I want.

Thanks to @Fannyxl for their answer to this question: How to run vimtutor on windows? that showed me where to find the .bat file. If I had enough rep in this community I'd thank them proper…

…and thanks to Heptite and my new rad vim skills:

--noplugin  Skip loading plugins.  Resets the 'loadplugins' option.
    {not in Vi}
    Note that the |-u| argument may also disable loading plugins:
        argument    load vimrc files    load plugins  
        (nothing)       yes         yes
        -u NONE         no          no
        -u NORC         no          yes
        --noplugin      yes         no

Best Answer


:help vim-arguments

Or more specifically:

:help startup-options

Or on the command line, if you want to see a summary:

vim --help
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