Vim disable tab-completion


I recently installed vim7.3 using "--with-features=big", because I like almost all of those features. However, one thing that it does that I don't like is enables tab-completion: in normal mode, if you hit tab, vim "intelligently" begins omni-completion if you're near a "word".

Now, I use the Smart Tabs plugin, and I need my tab key to not be auto-complete. However, I like all the other "--with-features=big" features, and I'm loathe to go down to "--with-features=normal", which doesn't affect my tab key.

Does anyone know how to disable the tab-completion when compiling vim –with-features=huge?

Best Answer

[Copied from my comment.]

In normal mode, <tab> jumps to the next newer entry in the jump list. This behavior is not affected by any Vim feature. In insert mode, <tab> inserts a <tab> character. If you are seeing a different behavior, it is caused by your ~/.vimrc or a plugin. To find out where <tab> is being mapped, execute

:verbose nmap <tab>
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