Word – Version control support in Microsoft Word 2007

microsoft wordversion control

When I am about to edit a Microsoft Word document, I can do undo and redo. If I close that document, undo and redo will not be available anymore. If and how does Microsoft Word support SVN or any type of version control? Can I switch between versions of a document?

Best Answer

The easiest way to do it is to allow tracking changes in a document (you can find more about this in this FAQ):

Track Changes is a way for Microsoft Word to keep track of the changes you make to a document. You can then choose to accept or reject those changes.

Let's say Bill creates a document and emails it to his colleague, Lee, for feedback. Lee can edit the document with Track Changes on. When Lee sends the document back to Bill, Bill can see what changes Lee had made.

Track Changes is also known as redline, or redlining. This is because some industries traditionally draw a vertical red line in the margin to show that some text has changed.

Here's an article on how you can enable and disable this feature.

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