UTorrent error: Access is denied


When I booted my computer today and opened up uTorrent it went on, as usual, to check the torrents that I had been running before. On one it returned an "Access is denied" error after it had been checked. I have absolutely no idea why this is happening as I was downloading the same torrent just the night before, and additionally because I have other torrents going in the same downloads folder and they do not have any such errors.

It may be worth noting that on said defective torrent, there appear to be no seeds and no connected peers (of the 33 available) and three of the trackers appear to be inactive as well (those being Peer Exchange, Local Peer Discovery and DHT).

I have rebooted a few times in an attempt to fix this problem, but to no success. I also tried a few times force rechecking / force starting but neither of those worked either.

edit I booted today and it was working for whatever reason. thanks for all of the help anyways guys!

Best Answer

Alright, I've done a bit of research and this is what I could find out for you. After a bit of experimenting with the program I've gotten into a similar position that you've got yourself into. What I did to fix this (In three different ways) was:

  1. Re-download the torrent. Sometimes files can be corrupted, or even not there. Re-downloading can prove to be a lengthy fix timewise, but usually works.

  2. Make sure you're on an administrator account. For some reason, there seems to be some issues with uTorrent and administrator accounts around the internet. If your computer isn't running an administrator account right now, make sure you're on one before you do anything. It's a really simple "Why didn't I think of that?" solution.

  3. Reinstall uTorrent and try again. A last resort measure, but it worked. If all else fails, do this. It will almost always work, and I've done this method on this particular situation for you, and it did work.

The information here was taken from me and various websites on the internet. Hopefully one of these was your problem, because it's all I could pull from this.

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