Using WinRAR to compress a folder stucture

command linewinrarzip

I am trying to zip up the following directory contents:


I want to be able to zip up the Test directory and the bin subdirectory, however, I need the Test directory’s contents to be the root of the archive.

Using the WinRAR command-line program (rar.exe), I tried this command:

"C:\" -ep "C:\Test"

However, this puts all the folder contents in root of the archive. I also tried the following command, but got the same results:

"C:\" -ep "C:\Test\*.*" "C:\Test\bin"

How can I get the results I’m trying to achieve?

Best Answer

You are using the -ep switch which Exclude[s] paths from names. If paths are not stored, then all files go in the root.

To get C:\Test to be treated as the root of the archive, you need to run the compression from inside the directory.

Use this instead:

C:\>cd Test

C:\Test>:: then, either
C:\Test>rar a "C:\" "*.*" "bin\*.*"

C:\Test>:: or
C:\Test>rar a "C:\" "*.*" "bin"
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