Using VirtualBox USB capabilities


Using the USB capabilities of the VirtualBox, I've tried in tried different computers and just keep receiving the message that the USB device is busy with a previous request.
I'm trying to access the USB stuff since the first version (now using 3.0.4), but I was never successful.

Is there any special configuration or tweak to make?

Best Answer

I've encountered the same problem after upgrading from VirtualBox 2.2.2 to 3.1.6, and regrettably rebooting had no effect. However, after searching for a long time, I found the solution on the VirtualBox forum:

With VirtualBox shut down, remove the USB device from your host. Then restart VirtualBox, start the virtual machine, and then reattach the USB device. Now, VirtualBox recognizes the devices.

Note: I did the test with Windows Vista and Windows 7.