Using the same local folder for Dropbox and Skydrive


Ever since I switched to windows phone I've sorely missed having an official dropbox app. Recently I've toyed with the idea of moving all my crucial files to OneDrive instead. I have more storage on OneDrive and the WP OneDrive integration is very handy.

I'm thinking about having both cloud sync services point to the same local folder for the first few weeks. That way if I want to go back its an easy task (and I can keep using dropbox's superior public folder)

Has anyone else done this? Are there any potential issues (permissions, conflicts etc)

Best Answer

I have done some tests with sharing the same folder on different clouds (One Cloud, Google, dropbox,...)lately. To be honest, it seems to give nothing but problems. In fact, the files seem to be in 'sync mode' all the time and the services take a lot of memory resources. I think the reason is the following: one cloud (f.ex. dropbox) sees a new file and starts synchronising. Once done, it seems that something on the folder or file is modified. The other cloud starts syncing as well. Once done, dropbox sees a change in the file and resyncs. But so does the other cloud when dropbox has synced. So both clouds seem to be syncing all the time.