Using Latex beamer and natbib packages at the same time


When I use both \documentclass{beamer} and \usepackage{natbib} I get the following error when running latex

! LaTeX Error: \newblock undefined.

How can I solve this? If beamer and natbib are incompatible, is there any other beamer compatible package that provides the (author, year) citing style?

Best Answer

I haven’t really worked with the natbib package but I’d like to point you to the great biblatex package which offers a wide range of styles and it is — relatively — easy to configure your own style rules.

Well, the biblatex package seems also to have a natbib compatibility option, that defines some more natbib-like commands. Maybe you should start with

\usepackage[natbib=true, bibstyle=authoryear, citestyle=authoryear-comp]{biblatex}

and change the bibstyle and citestyle according to the documentation. Good luck with it.

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