Networking – Use Wired Ethernet for Network Drives and Wifi for Internet


Is there any way to specify what my network connections do? We finally got a 20 mb/s connection at my office, but it's currently only on our WiFi. I need to be connected via Ethernet, though, to access our network drives. I'm using a laptop, that has both an Ethernet port and a WiFi connection. Essentially, I want to be able to use the WiFi for my internet stuff, but the Ethernet for the network drives. I'm running Windows 8 RTM, if that matters.

I doubt this is possible, but I figured it was worth asking.

Best Answer

Is is quite possible. Just add a route to the internal network via the fixed NIC and leave the default route via the wireless NIC.

It helps a lot if you know how routing works. For that I suggest reading this post on SF.

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