MacOS QuickLook – Use Text Viewer for Other Files


Is there a way to tell OS X to use the quicklook text viewer for files with specific extensions?

For example, I use emacs org-mode for tasks lists, etc. Usually I view (and edit) these in emacs, however sometimes I browse in Finder and want to know the contents of an org file.

Similarly, this would be helpful for .conf files.

I know that I could search for custom QuickLook plugins (or create one) but it'd be easier and good enough just to use the simple text viewer.

Best Answer

Based on the sample UTImportedTypeDeclarations from qlcolorcode, I use this entry:

        <string>Org-mode Text</string>

Don't forget to run 'sudo qlmanage -r' from the Terminal(or relogin) to pick up the changes.

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