Windows 7 – Use System Reserved Partition to Create Another Partition

hard drivepartitioningwindows 7

I have deleted the System Reserved Partition of 100 MB in my pc, a screen shot of the Disk Management shows like this:
enter image description here
Then I tried to create a primary partition by merging 101 MB and 11GB Unallocated space, but it simply doesn't work.
When I right click on 11GB space and select New Simple Volume, it only shows 11264MB(11*1024) it doesn't include the other 101MB unallocated space. It is same if I try from the 101MB space, what should I do?

Best Answer

To create a new partition from your separate "unallocated spaces" you must move the unallocated spaces so they make one continuous space. You cannot simply, however, "move" a partition within Windows. You must "resize" the partitions so that grow/shrink to the direction you want the unallocated space to move.

For example:

Resize your 2nd partition (Windows) so that the start of the partition is at 0 and the end of the partition is whatever size your Windows partition is. You will then need to shrink the end of the 2nd partition to re-create the 100MB. This will have the effect of "moving" the partition. You will then have 100MB at the end of your 11GB partition - thus making your unallocated space 11GB + 100MB. You can then create a new partition out of the unallocated space.

From your picture you have ANOTHER partition to the right of your Windows partition. You will need to do the same with this partition so that all your unallocated space is moved next to each other.

I would very strongly recommend you don't mess with that System Reserved partition... it's 100MB... fairly useless to you in the long run.

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