Linux – Use gnu-screen and X instead of desktop environment


I have a HTPC with Debian currently installed on. I would like to run applications which got a gui but without using a desktop environment such as gnome, kde etc.

I was wondering if running X would be enough to run the applications and then use screen so I can switch between different gui applications running.

  1. Is this possible?
  2. If no, what else do I need?
  3. Are there any potential problems I might bump into?
  4. Are there a better way to achieve what I want?

Thank you

Best Answer

So far as I know, screen won't help for X Windows applications.

I believe the minimum you need is a Window Manager for X11 (e.g. FVWM or Blackbox). Without a desktop I think you'd have to start a xterm shell manually for subsequent launching of X apps (e.g. xterm & exec fvwm - see

You might try a lightweight desktop environment (e.g. XFCE or LXDE) Your distro's package installer should be able to install this.

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