Use a specified key from ssh-agent


Along the lines of How to tell git which private key to use?
I would like to use a specific ssh key in a given situation.

My problem is that even when I specify '-i something' ssh uses the keys from my ssh-agent in the order they are added.

My specific situation:

  • I have two github users, each with their own key
    I would like to – for example via a ssh-config – for each clone specify which key to use:
   Host USER1.git
     User git
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/USER1.id_rsa

ssh -vt USER1.git will still use USER2.id_rsa if that is the key first added to ssh-agent.

Best Answer

I finally got it to work:

Host USER1.git
  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/USER1.id_rsa

Host USER2.git
  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/USER2.id_rsa
  • Indentation counts.
  • Do ssh-add -l and make sure both of your keys have been added.
    • Copy/paste each path from ssh-add -l into the appropriate line in ~/.ssh/config to avoid typos. If there is a ~/.ssh/config identityfile path typo for USER1, then the wrong key (USER2's key) will be used instead.

I got the instructions over at BitBucket. They should work for GitHub since the only difference is HostName:

To get this to work on a remote server using agent forwarding, try @stijn-hoop's suggestion below (in the comments section of this answer).

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