Use 2 Mouse Cursors on the same Computer


I understand that questions like this have being answered before, however mine is slightly different.

Basically I run automated tests which mean that the mouse cursor is moving around the screen clicking things for a bit of time. I am completely out of action while this is going on.

I have already tried to use VirtualBox to set up a linux OS that I can use while the tests are running, but the Computer still only likes to use one cursor and either the tests fail or I cant use virtualbox.

Is there anyway I can use two cursors on the same Screen at the same time? I have dual monitors and a dual core cpu if that helps.

Best Answer

The easiest way to do what you are asking, despite your saying in comments that you can't install Windows in a VM, probably is another Windows installation in a VM. I had a quick look and even a non-OEM Windows 7 Ultimate can be had for around $300. Alternatively, if you have MSDN it should be included in the price you are already paying.

When you have installed Windows and whatever is required to run the tests (note that you don't necessarily need a full-blown Visual Studio installation), you can simply start the VM, start the test process, and then detach from the VM and let it do its thing while you keep working.

As for having two mouse cursors in the same session, I'm not even sure Windows supports that and it certainly would risk wreaking havoc with basic Win32 API functions like GetCursorPos(). The related Win32 API functions all seem to talk about "the cursor" and deal with a single position, which while not proof seems to me to be a strong indication that Windows doesn't do multiple mouse cursors.

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