USB Flash Drive – Contents Replaced with Single Shortcut


I was confused when I opened my flash drive all I saw was a shortcut with its target as

C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe ~$WO.FAT32,_ldr@16 desktop.ini RET TLS " "

You may refer to the images I uploaded below. It shows the contents of the flash drive. The command prompt shows the hidden contents. You can see there that there is a with a blank name. It contains the contents of the flash drive. That directory also has a desktop.ini inside it with these as contents.


Unlike the first desktop.ini (found at the root of the flash drive). It has some kind of binary contents which frankly I don't know how to paste here. So I just uploaded the contents of the flash drive here. So you can view it yourself.

Another weird thing is the autorun.inf (which has only 0 bytes) is being used by the wuauclt.exe. You may refer to the second image below.

Has anyone experienced this too? I already did tried reformatting and reinserting the flash drive but still no luck.

contents of flash drive

autorun is locked

I hashed the desktop.ini (the binary-like one) and searched for it. It pointed me these links which was just posted a few days ago.

desktop.ini (binary) d80c46bac5f9df7eb83f46d3f30bf426

I scanned the desktop.ini in VirusTotal. You may see the result here. McAfee-GW-Edition detected it as a Heuristic.BehavesLike.Exploit.CodeExec.C

I viewed the handles of wuauclt.exe in the Process Explorer and saw the autorun.inf is being used by the exe. You may also notice that a file from the temp folder is opened.


Here is the scan of that pif file from VirusTotal. Here is an online copy of the PIF file and lastly, a random file that was generated after I ran the PIF file (I used sandbox).


Best Answer

I successfully removed it a few days back already. Though I just posted this one right now. Here is how I removed the backdoor from my computer.

Just realized that the question itself is not a very good question. It is something more of a topic for discussion. Thanks for the 'protection' though.

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